Our customers and partners feedback.

Meie lugu
They do their job professionally and with great conscientiousness.
"If we had to describe the MaiTar Solutions team in one word, it would be reliable. Our cooperation with them has always been smooth. They do their job professionally and with great conscientiousness. Whenever we have needed help, we have always received it and we know we can rely on them."
Jüri Heinaste - CEO
Easy Web Solutions OÜ
A very good system that makes the life of an entrepreneur and marketer much easier!
"I have been working with Maile for more than two years now and I can honestly say that she is one of the most reliable partners on the market!
For Maile, there are no problems, only opportunities. When a marketer comes up with an idea for a product, Maile thinks along with me and always finds many ways to make my product a reality. She is also a great help when marketing products on social media, in advertisements and on the blog, as she always helps me to think about the angle from which the product could be talked about, what other benefits people get from the product and what can be claimed about the product. Maile does things thoughtfully and has a very good system that makes life a lot easier for entrepreneurs and marketers!"
Stella Lillo - Marketing Manager
Boost Yourself
I got answers to all my questions and also to those I didn't know how to ask.
"The first impression was very pleasant and trustworthy. It immediately made me think in the direction that this is where I can get the answers to my questions. I had been thinking for a long time that how can I find a person who can help me in this field. I got answers to all my questions and also to those I didn't know how to ask. I had no idea that there was so much involved with one small product label. Maile was quick to fix it.
I was surprised that the service was so thorough and the communication was very warm and friendly. I got many times more than I expected. I will definitely continue my cooperation with Maile and I believe that I will also use other services offered by them"
Reelika Veelma - CEO
VR Medico OÜ

You can get all your services in one place, while ordering separately if necessary.
"I've been working with Maile and Tarjet for over four years now on product leaflets, labels, blogs.
Maile is a highly professional product developer who will work with you to solve any problems or questions you may have regarding veterinary requirements, innovative solutions or promotional texts to support your sales.
Tarjet has been an indispensable help with all sorts of website issues, digital solutions and web copy. The cooperation has been very fruitful, a special synergy has been created, because many heads are many heads and generating and discussing ideas together yields many times more results than tinkering alone.
I would recommend using Maitar's services to anyone looking for smart web solutions and an attractive website, innovative product development and the prevention of problems with veterinary etc. requirements - in short, so that whatever the product or service, everything can be done correctly and at the same time in a marketing-smart way.
The biggest advantage of Maitari is that it is a one-stop solution, you can get all the services in one place, but you can order them separately if you need. The offers are flexible and solution-oriented. Highly recommended!"
Stella Sägi - Language editor
and copywriter
Rest assured there will be no backlash
"I really thank Maile. Maile is broad-minded and, if necessary, she also gives advice on the field of marketing in general.
Maile is very thorough, erudite e. with extensive knowledge and you can be sure that there will be no backlash. Maile also gives self-confidence and support, if something goes wrong, corrections can be made and everything will be fine again.
Ly Kaasik - Production manager
Põhjala Teetalu OÜ
You always get a comprehensive and detailed overview of all raw materials.
“Esmamulje oli väga hea – üllatavalt ruttu saime meie koostööst sündinud esimese toote „purki”, sealjuures suhtlus ning info liikumine oli kiire ja väga sujuv. Maile poolt saab alati põhjaliku ja detailse ülevaate kõikide toorainete kohta ja ta pakub alati ka välja lahendusi. Iga toote kohta valmib korrektne ülevaade.
When it came to website administration, Tarjet was always available and solved problems late at night or on weekends if necessary.
I can only recommend all the services we have used."
Terry Tamm - logistics manager
Shroomwell OÜ
It is there exactly when you need it.
“Koostöö MaiTar Solutions’iga on olnud meeldivalt tasakaalukas ja efektiivne. Sealne tiim on hooliv ja osavõtlik, sest pööras tähelepanu mitmetele klienditeekonnal ettetulevatele küsimustele nagu tagasiside andmine ja teenusega rahulolu kohta uurimine. Tegemist ei ole pealetükkiva müügitiimiga, kes on olemas täpselt siis, kui teda vajatakse.”
Vahur Mäe - CEO
SoundVoice OÜ

Knowledge of how to operate in the world of health and food.
"Friendly, fast and always available. Help with marketing, copy, products and website. Everything you need is in one place and they all have the knowledge to deliver in the world of health and food."
Kädi Vinkel - Production manager
Tootmistugi OÜ
I know the e-shop is in safe hands.
"I have been working with Tarjet for more than two years now and I can honestly say that they are one of the most reliable partners on the market!
Tarjet is a super good website manager because he is always there, he thinks along, looks for solutions and answers even the dumbest questions. Working with Tarjet, I know that the e-shop is in safe hands - if something goes wrong or the website is attacked by hackers, Tarjet will immediately rush into action to fix it as quickly as possible. Tarjet is very smooth to work with, everything gets done on time and quickly, and if there's something he doesn't know yet, you can be sure he'll be a specialist in an hour!"
Stella Lillo - Marketing Manager
Boost Yourself
The result is products we can be proud of.
"Working with Maile from Maitar Solutions OÜ has been a very good and enjoyable process. Maile has lent a helping hand in product development and has ensured that the content and description of the products comply with legal requirements. Maile's thoroughness and accuracy in her work makes it a pleasure to work with her and results in products we can be proud of."
Silver Laus - CEO
Shroomwell OÜ

Very good and trustworthy!
"The cooperation was fast, efficient and professional, that is, very good.
Use of permitted plants, properties in herbal teas.
But I recommend it to everyone who is starting out and beginners who need help in this area. A very good service for those who don't know English or who don't know plants well enough! Maile is very good and reliable!"
Heler Põld - Koolitaja
MTÜ Maagilised Loodushinged